How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Grant Report

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Grant Report

I had a great time presenting at the MINN International NGO Summit on Friday, and meeting all the amazing organizations that participated in the conference. My presentation talked about how a change of perspective on the purpose and goal of reporting can help organizations change how they approach reports, including practical tips for how to improve your reporting process. The presentation is uploaded to LinkedIn.

Some additional great resources on reporting include:

A great reminder that funders have people they are reporting to, too, and how to tailor your funder reporting and stewardship to take this into account.

How to engage your program officers.

Pushing foundations to be better about reporting too.

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Washington DC Favorites

Halloween Special: Tales of Horror from the Grant Writing Crypt

Halloween Special: Tales of Horror from the Grant Writing Crypt