I’m seeing more and more foundations stepping up with emergency funding support resources, so I’m starting a list here. This is not comprehensive, but I am updating it at least daily with information as I see it. I’ve also turned on comments to this post, so please add any that I’ve missed!
Otto Bremer Trust Community Organization Emergency Support Fund: Emergency support funds for organizations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Montana available through Bremer’s CBFC subsidiary. No clear details about how to apply. I recommend contacting the Trust for more details.
Headwaters Community First Fund: Supporting BIPOC communities in Minnesota who are facing the impact of both Covid-19 and the structural inequities that the pandemic response is magnifying. The fund is currently raising money, so please donate if you are in a position to do so! Process for receiving funds to be announced.
Patreon Weird Stream a Thon: National online fundraiser happening tonight March 18 to provide support for individual artists and creatives.
Minneapolis Foundation One MPLS Fund: Emergency support for organizations and communities will be available through this collective impact fund. Guidelines for applying TBA. Contact the foundation for more information in the meantime.
Springboard for the Arts Emergency Relief Fund: Funding for individual artists and creatives in Minnesota.
St. Paul and Minnesota Foundation Minnesota Disaster Recovery Fund: Will provide community foundations and other grantmaking organizations funding to support disaster recovery efforts. Monitor for news about which grantmakers having funding for nonprofits through this mechanism.
Bush Foundation: REDIRECTING 2020 Bush Prize funding for emergency response, and expediting consideration of Community Innovation grants related to Covid-19 response.
Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless: Making emergency support grants for current grantees supporting people experiencing homelessness. If you are a current grantee I recommend reaching out to your program officer to learn more.
Greater Twin Cities United Way: Established a Response and Recovery Fund that is currently raising donations. Funds will provide emergency community support, working through network of current GTCUW partners. If you are a current grantee I recommend reaching out to learn more.
Updates March 31, 2020
In Minnesota:
The Minnesota Disaster Recovery Fund for Coronavirus has announced its first awards, up on the fund’s website. Most of the funds are targeting greater MN, so if you are working outside of the Twin Cities Metro and need emergency support take a look and see if the new awards will be made in your community.
The Women’s Foundation of Minnesota announced their comprehensive response to COVID-19, including emergency funding of up to $10,000 available to organizations serving women and girls, experiencing gender based violence, older women, and women and girls who need short-term financial support for everyday needs due to effects of the pandemic. The application is here.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation announced a $750,000 rapid response fund. The fund will provide grants over between $5,000 and $25,000 aimed at addressing immediate needs due to COVID-19 over the next six months. Priority funding areas include child care for health care and emergency workers; emergency food support; support for people experiencing economic insecurity; anti-xenophobia efforts; homelessness and housing insecurity. Fund details are here.
GiveMN announced #GiveAtHomeMN, a virtual fundraising event over May 1-8. There’s some initial information up on their website.
The City of St. Paul announced the Saint Paul Bridge Fund, which will provide emergency relief to small businesses and families. It’s not clear yet if nonprofits will be able to apply, so monitor the website for more details.
Honestly, the national updates have come too fast for me to keep up with entirely. But, a few really great resources that crossed my desk this week: