Minnesota Emergency Funding Update

Minnesota Emergency Funding Update

Minnesota Council on Foundations coordinated a webinar today on the latest information on emergency funding for Covid-19 response in Minnesota. The webinar filled up very quickly, and I heard from several people who couldn’t attend asking for details. So, below are my notes from the webinar. The webinar recording is also posted on MCF’s website.

St. Paul and Minnesota Community Foundation

  • Fund details can be found at mcf.org and can reach out to specific email address coronavirus@mcf.org

Meant to assist with community recovery:

1.      Assist nonprofits struggling with increased demand or loss of ability to carry out services or loss of income

2.      Support small businesses that may be closed or significantly limited due to virus

3.      Support individuals and families whose income or livelihoods have been hurt by situation

Meant to be a community recovery fund, meant to strengthen community so it can recover in a whole and healthy way. NOT a frontline funder for immediate health needs. Not providing funds for healthcare or health crisis response. Meant for community recovery only.

Funds will be provided directly to three types of entities that will then distribute money to community:

1.      Community foundations

2.      MN Initiative foundations

3.      Other intermediaries

  • Meant to capitalize on existing grant making or fund distribution processes. Looking for entities that have deep understanding of communities and are in touch with those communities. Those applicants still need to apply. 

  • Nonprofits and individuals are not eligible to apply for their own individual relief but can encourage other entities to apply for that funding. Nonprofits that have a mechanism to distribute funds may apply to do that. Example intermediaries that might be eligible: Think Small fund for childcare providers that have had to close. Greater MN Housing Fund that distributes resources. Community foundations collecting information from nonprofits in small community to identify those most in need. MN Initiative foundations typically support childcare and nonprofits. Any of those could be potential recipients.

  • Have about $5 million committed.

  • Decisions will be made on Fridays, first funding decision this Friday. Application is available on website – meant to be quick. Applications received by Wednesdays at noon will be considered for funding that week, those received after will be held for the following week.

  • No minimum or maximum amount, amounts may be negotiated in response to applications.

  • Advisory committee members is on the MCF website. Members was put together with input from people who have worked in disaster philanthropy.

  • There is no admin fee being implemented by funding foundations, intermediaries are not prohibited from charging an admin fee if they need one.

  • Foundations are still fundraising for this fund; can’t confirm how much more money will be coming in. Understand that this will not be and should not be the only source of response funding.

Otto Bremer Trust Emergency Fund

  • Funds available will be short-term loans. Total fund is $50 million. In process of getting a picture of the nonprofit sector needs as step one. Community benefit emergency fund is up on the main Bremer website, which will launch additional site with what information is available right now, primarily to solicit indications of need. Loans will be processed through the standard loan application process. Understanding that some organizations might need grants, there will be some grant funding available, but expectation is that majority of funding will be loans. Are trying to move quickly and make funding awards on a weekly basis.

  • https://ottobremer.org/emergency-fund/

  • No decided preference for current grantees, but recognize that current grantees will have some advantage because Bremer may be more familiar with them and then will be more comfortable providing loan funding.

  • It is possible to apply for both loans and grants.

  • Very flexible around loan timelines and loan terms. Planning to assess direction of funds based on first round of applications.

  • Not currently defining priorities or needs to avoid being prescriptive. But will likely be looking in the areas that Trust generally funds – health care, basic needs, wealth building. Emergency needs likely to be emphasized within those three.

Headwaters Foundation for Justice

  • Started fundraising a week ago for the emergency response funding with a focus on reaching most marginalized communities and BIPOC communities. Have raised $675k so far and have a goal of raising $1 million.

  • What they are hearing from grantees now encapsulates the priorities described here, and also increasing racism and xenophobia.

  • First round of funding will focus on grantees who have a current or recent grant (considered a current grantee if have received a grant since January 2018 through now) with Headwaters to help get funding out the door as quickly as possible. Also prioritizing applicants who are constituent led, especially around organizing etc. Want to make sure that applicants are led by the groups they are organizing for.

  • Priority areas include health, healing, solidarity and mutual aid. Knowing that there are a number of ways that people are showing up for each other. Second prioritizing organizations that are building power and mobilizing around political response to Covid-19. Want to be supporting the longer term response to Covid in addition to the rapid response funding.

  • Goal to start accepting applications on April 1 on a rolling basis. Looking to get grants decided in 10 days or less.

  • Initial response funding will be up to $15k.

  • There are no caps on how many grants an organization can have from HW at a time – you can apply to the Community Innovation grant as well as the emergency fund and won’t be held against you.

Minneapolis Foundation

  • Will be utilizing One MPLS fund. Within one day of announcing this fund and surveying needs they received over 200 responses.

  • Main priorities cited include continuity of services for nonprofits and supporting organizations that are on the frontline of response. Based on that focus will be helping community members whose incomes have been disrupted, focusing on most marginalized. Also supporting basic needs for vulnerable populations, including older adults, youth and students.

  • Funding will be available for nonprofit organizations, organizations that have a fiscal sponsor.

  • Prioritizing work in the metro area, and also have a preference for Minneapolis residents within that.

  • More information will be on the Minneapolis Foundation website this week, and will post a very brief application next week. Decisions will be made on a rolling basis by Mpls Foundation staff, working as quickly as possible.

  • Minimum award amount will be $10k. Expect to be able to make a limited number of larger awards. Have $500,000 in resources in the fund currently and will be asking for contributions to the fund on the Foundation’s website.

  • No preference for current grantees.

  • Patrice Rutherford and JoAnne Stately are the primary contacts for the fund.


  • Every Monday, starting March 30, governor’s office and MCN will brief on Covid-19’s impact on nonprofit sector. First briefing will be on human services issues. Foundations will be meeting with Governor’s office on Wednesdays. Please see websites of MCN or MCF to submit questions to either of these meetings. If you are a member of MCN submit through that site. If you are a member of MCF, through that website.

  • Also paying close attention to where MCN can support unemployment expansions.

  • Also looking at how to direct volunteers to those who need them and how to center communities who are most impacted by fallout.

  • MCN will start to send out a monthly survey starting April 15 to check on the impact of Covid on the nonprofit sector, checking on staffing, fundraising etc that can be shared with nonprofits and policymakers.

  • Covid-19 resources on website will be continuously updated. https://www.minnesotanonprofits.org/covid-19-what-nonprofits-should-know

  • Changing events to add responsive events while maintaining current programming. Also looking to amplify other organizations who are doing events on emergency response and related topics.

  • MCN just published a special edition of the MCN grants directory with local and national emergency response funding. That will be updated and sent out regularly. Posted for free on MCN website. https://www.minnesotanonprofits.org/docs/default-source/coronavirus/2020-grants-directory--special-edition.pdf?sfvrsn=365cf365_2

  • Note that SBA is making disaster loans available now. https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/information/index

COVID-19 Emergency Fund Updates

COVID-19 Emergency Fund Updates

Emergency Funding Support List